

Product Design



Product Design



Product Design



Product Design

Different devices in the same step to improve usability and productivity

Different devices in the same step to improve usability and productivity

Different devices in the same step to improve usability and productivity

Different devices in the same step to improve usability and productivity

My rol


Lucía Sánchez Vilar

Product Designer

The team


Alvaro Garcia Bernal

Head of UX


Matheus Policarpo

UX Content Design


Kaue Pessoa

UX Research



Product Manager & Developers

My rol


Lucía Sánchez Vilar

Product Designer

The team


Alvaro Garcia Bernal

Head of UX


Matheus Policarpo

UX Content Design


Kaue Pessoa

UX Research



Product Manager & Developers

My rol


Lucía Sánchez Vilar

Product Designer

The team


Alvaro Garcia Bernal

Head of UX


Matheus Policarpo

UX Content Design


Kaue Pessoa

UX Research



Product Manager & Developers

My rol


Lucía Sánchez Vilar

Product Designer

The team


Alvaro Garcia Bernal

Head of UX


Matheus Policarpo

UX Content Design


Kaue Pessoa

UX Research



Product Manager & Developers



Tradein is the platform provided by Trocafone to all its partners, where the sellers in the stores must enter the old devices that are left as part of the payment for a new one. Tradein has several steps, one in particular, called Photoshoot, consists of a photographic record of the device being entered.

Tradein is the platform provided by Trocafone to all its partners, where the sellers in the stores must enter the old devices that are left as part of the payment for a new one. Tradein has several steps, one in particular, called Photoshoot, consists of a photographic record of the device being entered.


Through constant monitoring of the platform, we noticed that the Photoshoot step took much longer than the others, in fact, it took 43% more, and it was also one of the steps with the highest abandonment in the flow. However, we did not know exactly what the problem was, so we launched qualitative interviews with users.

How can we improve the usability of the Photoshoot step for B2B sellers, with the aim reduce the time it takes them to take photos and avoid dropout?

How can we improve the usability of the Photoshoot step for B2B sellers, with the aim reduce the time it takes them to take photos and avoid dropout?

How can we improve the usability of the Photoshoot step for B2B sellers, with the aim reduce the time it takes them to take photos and avoid dropout?

How can we improve the usability of the Photoshoot step for B2B sellers, with the aim reduce the time it takes them to take photos and avoid dropout?

Photoshoot's original layout


/ Research


/ Research


/ Research


/ Research

We conducted surveys and interviews in order to understand why this step took users much longer than the others and why there was a high dropout rate. We also monitor user behavior through screen recordings.


/ Insights

/ Insights


/ Insights


/ Insights

  • Users define the internal flow of the Photoshoot step as "very clogged", "not very smooth" and "very slow".

  • 54% of users say that this step is something that needs to be improved.

And the most valuable insight:

  • In the interviews, most users explained that the computers they use at work do not have a camera. Therefore, many of them started the Tradein workflow on their desktop, but when they got to the Photoshoot step they had to restart the workflow on their mobile.
    This was something we did not know and could not have known without the qualitative interviews.

Now we had to think about how we could facilitate the transfer of information between devices, this would impact the time spent in this particular step and the dropout statistics.

/ Design

/ Design

In order to accelerate the delivery of value, we plan and deliver the enhancements in two stages:

1. Simplifying usability:

Previously the user had to click on each placeholder, take the photo, accept that photo, and finally close the photo capture modal to click on the placeholder for the next photo again.

Now the user will be able to click on the take photo button and take all the photos in the same modal, without having to go back to the main screen. This way we reduced the amount of clicks needed to complete the task, reducing the time in this step and improving usability.

2. We built a bridge:

In order to allow the capture of photos from mobile devices, we added the option for the user to scan a QR code. In this way he would open in his cell phone the modalities of taking pictures, once he finishes recording the device photographically from his mobile, he could return to the computer to continue with the flow.



In the quantitative surveys we did post-launch to the question "How would you rate the use of the new Trocafone functionality to photograph your cell phone?" we got the following responses:

  • 54% Extremely easy

  • 27% Very easy

  • 11% More or less easy

  • 2% Not easy

  • 6% Not easy at all


On the other hand, the time users spent on this step was reduced by 32%.